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Version: 1.2.4


SDK Integretion

Flow Diagram

Flow Diagram

Integration Steps


  • Algorithm lib
  • alg_algorithm.h Head File
  • inputData/zeng.csv Test Data
  • mian.c Example
  • readcsv.c,Read File Tool

Init Method

void initAll(void); Init data

Add Device

int add_device(char *serial)

Delete Device

int delete_device(char * serial)

Get Original Data

get_eeg_info_t Split_data_frame(char *str)


typedef struct
unsigned int frame_dect_ok;
int frame_index;
unsigned long group_count;

double AF7_eeg_data[50];
int AF7_leadoff_flag[50];

double AF8_eeg_data[50];
int AF8_leadoff_flag[50];

int have_4sec_time_flag;
int time_flag_postion;
long time_counter;
} get_eeg_info_t;

Get Indicators from Algoithm

algorithmTarget get_algorithm_result(double data_raw[58],int index) data_raws stands for original data, index 0-28 are for channel AF7 and index 29-57 are for channel AF8. index stands for the index of the array.


typedef struct {
double mindfullness; // Mindfulness
double focus; // Degree of concentration
double emotion; // Degree of mood
double stress; // Degree of pressure
double fatigue; // Degree of fatigue
double relax; // Degree of relax
energyName energy; // Original data
int isValid;
int sqd[2]; // signal quality indicators from AF7 and AF8 (signal description: 0 stands for good signal quality,1 stands for poor signal quality)
int sqdValid;
} algorithmTarget;
typedef struct {
double alpha;
double beta;
double theta;
double delta;
double gamma;

More about data specification, please ref to Data Specification

Get Conherence Indicator

double get_alg_coherence(double * indata,int len)

Get 4 Indicators of mindfullness radar map

mindfulnessScore getMindfulnessScore(double * array,int length)

typedef struct{
int stability; // Stability
double potential; // Poential
double percent; // Percentage
int score;// Sore
} mindfulnessScore;

More about data specification, please ref to Data Specification